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do we have a Pikachu page on our website?
mooch ideas on how to catch that little rat, you idiot!*
- I'm tired of losing - every time we go out there and face those
little brats they beat us and I'm sick of it! So I say we steal
ideas off all our fans, and if I say we have a Pikachu page,
that's what we'll have, got it??!!
Yes, Jesse!!
This page is just for fun!!
We all know how hard Jesse and James have
tried to get their hands on Pikachu, but they lose every time!!
Now's your chance to send in your brilliant ideas on how you'd
like to see them do it!
Send in your plots to create our list!!
(Don't forget to give your name or nickname)
Ways To Catch Pikachu:
- 'Take a bazooka to the
brats and grab Pikachu with rubber gloves' ~ 'Gothaflorida'
- I think they can easily catch a
Pikachu if they only went to Viridian Forest and caught a
wild one.. but if they need Ash's Pikarat..... I think
they have a good plan with the rubber gloves and
stuff.... but the idea is to take care of the kid, don't
stick around to brag about it, and leave with Pikachu! (I
think the one episode with the stun powder was a great
plan! ) ~
- Okay, the way I see it, you can have
Meowth dress up as a female Pikachu to lure the
unsuspecting little rat into a trap. Then, drop an
electricity-proof cage on it and if those brats have a
problem with it, just give 'em a raspberry and run off
with the cage, Pikachu and all. ~ Erin
- All they have to do is get Ash out of
the way...that room in 'Abra and the Psychic Showdown'
was great and so was the stunspore...lots of other ideas
have my admiration as well... ~ Meg
P.S. I love Geovanni's Persian
- If they just got every single
high-tech gadget that they'd ever tried to use to capture
Pikachu and smushed them all together into one big plan,
they'd be unstoppable... ~ Aneni
- 1. Fake a diversion and when nobody is
concentrating on pikachu, grab it in electric-proof suits
and run like hell!
2. Kidnap Ash and ransom him for pikachu! If pikachu was
a good loyal little Pokemon, he'd sacrifice himself for
his trainer okay!
3. Get some other Team Rocket members to do the hard
work, someone like Cassidy and Butch but even more
stupid! That's all you'll get outta me! So bye! ~ *rachel the vulpix*
- To get that pikachu, kidnap the twerp
(Ash) and make Pikachu give itself over or Ash will die! ~ 'Fluke014'
- I think they should just whisper the
motto quietly and not make a big entrance. Then
they could walk over quietly, and with rubber suits and
everything resistant, they could grab pikachu and if it
squirms, use a
Drowzee on it and hypnotize it. ~ 'MarineBiologist1'
- James dresses up as a female Pikachu
(not too hard for him ^_~) and seductively taps Pikachu
on the shoulder with a bottle of ketchup. Pikachu goes
all starry-eyed and starts cuddling up to James. Before
the twerps know what's hit 'em, yell the motto and scram,
Pikachu in hand! ~ Jo Smith
- Catch a wild Pikachu in Viridian
Forest, and while Ash is sleeping, switch it with his
Pikachu. ~ 'The
Evil One'
- They should trap Ash in
a net. Then get a bite-free and electric-free net. ~ 'rugkitten'
- Get the twerps to come to the
Heinz ketchup company.hehehe. ~ 'supermusashi'
- The way I see it is that the only
reason you can't get Pikachu is because of ASH. Now what
I would do is either kidnap Ash and make Pikachu the
ransome, or get James ::melts in love:: to knock his
brains out and grab dat little fat yellow rat (with
rubber everything on) and put it in a electric proof cage
and run run run run run til ya get to da boss!!!!! ~ 'Tommtgirl88'

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