The Library
Rachel Lillis Online Chat
This is the transcript of a chat that occurred on Rachel's birthday (22nd July 2000) live at It took place at 9pm ET, which was about 2am GMT!
Rachel's comments are pre-empted by her name in pink so you know when it is her who is speaking. Its really interesting!! Have a read...
- Rachel Lillis, the voice actress known most notably for the
popular characters Misty and Team Rocket's Jesse from POKEMON and
the heroine Tenjou Utena from REVOLUTIONARY GIRL UTENA will be
hosting a chat room in SCIFI.COM's Anime Colony ( allowing anime fans to ask their
questions on what it's like to work on the POKEMON 2000 movie, as
well as other anime projects.
Rachel Lillis is one of the more popular voice actresses in the
U.S. who has been the voice behind dozens of characters for
[02:10] Moderator says:
<Hiperu> to Moderator says:: Do you ever take the
time to visit websites dedicated to anime series that you have
worked on in
the past or even websites about you in general by fans? How do
you feel
about Team Rocket Headquarters and UPNetwork? What about other
[02:10] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: Um...
[02:10] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: I surf the internet every once in awhile...
[02:10] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: and I haven't been to too many sites...
[02:10] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: of the anime I've worked on.
[02:10] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: Um... but I have been to TRHQ
[02:11] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: That site is very nicely done.
[02:11] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: (Team ROcket HQ)
[02:11] Moderator says: Rachael... I forgot to tell you...When
you finish an
answer type GA for Go Ahead
[02:11] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: GA
[02:12] Moderator says: <Skratchkat-GalacticMexikan> to
Moderator says::
Rachael - Other than Bleached and Yellow Wallpaper, what other
movies have
you been in (besides voice acting). By the way, happy b-day!
[02:12] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: Ha ha ha
[02:12] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: Um....
[02:12] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: Oh god
[02:12] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: I was an extra in SHE'S THE ONE
[02:12] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: I haven't done too much film work
[02:12] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: Oh and thank you very much for the B-day wishes
[02:12] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: GA
[02:13] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: (Georgia!)
[02:13] Moderator says: <Pikachu023> to Moderator says::
what is it like to
do Jesse's and Misty's voice?
[02:13] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: You mean...
[02:13] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: well, it's a lot of fun to do both of them
[02:13] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: they're alike and very different at the same
[02:13] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: and Misty can wear me out sometimes
[02:13] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: so I try to get sleep before I go in
[02:13] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: and record her
[02:13] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: GA
[02:14] Moderator says: <Brad> to Moderator says:: Hey
there, Rach... hope
work's been keeping you busy. Any word on new roles you've landed
for the
new Pokemon eps this fall... along with future work on Utena, the
Tylor OAVs
and any other anime we can look forward to seeing shortly? What
have you
been keeping yourself busy with lately?
[02:14] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: I've been auditioning mostly for stage work
[02:15] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: no new anime roles coming up
[02:15] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: there is something coming up within the next
[02:15] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: but I can't talk about it
[02:15] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: Oh, HI BRAD!
[02:15] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: GA
[02:15] Moderator says: Rachael... If we'd only know it was your
we could have had a cybercake! A whole lot of people seem
to want to know
what you think about Digimon? Got a comment?
[02:16] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: I haven't ever seen the DIGIMON show
[02:16] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: but I hear it's very cool
[02:16] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: It's good that more shows are coming to the
[02:16] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: A show like SAILOR MOON started a
[02:16] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: pattern of anime being shown
[02:17] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: GA
[02:17] Moderator says: <ArchaicEternal> to Moderator
says:: Is there any
likleyhood of a relationship developing between Ash & Misty
at some point in
the future ?
[02:17] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: Personally I think Ash and Misty are a little
[02:17] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: for a relationship
[02:17] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: but I think they like each other very much
[02:17] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: GA
[02:17] Moderator says: <KiD-Zer0> to Moderator says:: Do
you like other
anime like Sailor Moon, Tenchi Muyo!, Gundam Wing, or Dragon
[02:18] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: I just saw some episodes
[02:18] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: of a show called KARE KANO
[02:18] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: and I think the show is wonderful
[02:18] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: It reminds me very much of when I was in High
[02:18] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: and the feeling that you had to be
[02:18] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: someone you weren't to please everyone but
[02:18] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: GA
[02:18] Moderator says: <JessieLover> to Moderator says::
Hi Rachel. In the
PokeMon episode entitled 'The Song of Jigglypuff,' we heard a
sample of your
singing talents. Let me just say that you are AWESOME! I was
have you ever thought about a career in singing? (BTW... happy
[02:19] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: Oh gosh! Thank you Jessielover.
[02:19] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: The Jigglypuff song was recorded in a separate
[02:19] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: because they needed to put special effects on
[02:19] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: and that always takes awhile
[02:19] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: so when we left the studio
[02:19] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: at the end of recording the song
[02:19] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: it was nighttime
[02:19] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: and thank you very much for your sweet
[02:19] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: i never considered singing as a career
[02:20] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: i sing mostly in the shower
[02:20] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: GA
[02:20] Moderator says: <Sarameer> to Moderator says:: I
heard you visited
anime conventions alot before but now you don't seem to go to
many, why?
[02:20] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: oh no!
[02:20] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: conventions are great
[02:20] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: talking to the fans has been such an amazing
[02:20] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: 'cause there's no other way to be in contact
[02:20] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: with the people who appreciate the work
[02:21] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: that the VAs (Voice Actors) do
[02:21] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: I'm trying to limit
[02:21] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: convention visits
[02:21] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: because as much as I enjoy them
[02:21] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: they totally wear me out
[02:21] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: ^_^;;
[02:21] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: GA
[02:21] Moderator says: <RcktGurl> to Moderator says::
happy b-day rachael!!
do u think jessie and james have a chance of getting together? to
make all
us rocketshippers happy?
[02:21] Moderator says: Just a reminder. This is a
moderated chat with
voice actress Rachael Lillis brought to you by the Anime Colony
If you have a questions for Rachael address it to me
"Moderator" as a
private message.
[02:21] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: Ahhhh! ^_^
[02:21] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: Thank you very much
[02:21] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: I had a really nice Birthday
[02:22] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: thanks to my cool friends
[02:22] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: my mother won't stop bothering me about
[02:22] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: when the heck I'm getting married already
[02:22] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: lol
[02:22] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: speaking of marriage
[02:22] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: i would love Jessie and James to get together
[02:22] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: GA
[02:22] Moderator says: <LIONHEARTX> to Moderator says::
<lionheartx> how
did you get your start in voice overs if you dont mind me asking?
[02:23] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: I've always wanted to do voice acting
[02:23] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: when i was a little kid
[02:23] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: i always did voices for my baby nephews
[02:23] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: and I'd hang out in the basement
[02:23] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: because the echo was good
[02:23] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: and do my own little stories into my dad's tape
[02:23] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: which made him very angry
[02:23] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: and my mom thought that I was nuts
[02:23] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: LOL
[02:23] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: specifically getting my start came
[02:24] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: from auditioning alot
[02:24] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: and in this business
[02:24] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: for every "yes", there are a thousand
[02:24] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: so i'm very grateful to be involved in
something that i've
[02:24] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: always wanted to do.
[02:24] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: and i'll shut up now
[02:24] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: and GA
[02:24] Moderator says: <Anshi-chan> to Moderator says::
Was ChuChu hard to
do, considering that it was a high pitch? And who do you think
was more
cuter, Jigglypuff or ChuChu? ^_^
[02:25] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: ^_^
[02:25] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: i think jigglypuff and chuchu should get
[02:25] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: and go bowling
[02:25] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: j/k
[02:25] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: i think both of them are adorable
[02:25] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: in their own ways
[02:25] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: they both like to accessorize interestingly
[02:25] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: but i
[02:26] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: people ask which character do you like better
[02:26] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: and that's hard to answer because
[02:26] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: it can change with your mood
[02:26] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: GA
[02:26] Moderator says: I think this question is asking for your
opinion on
the popularity of anime
[02:26] Moderator says: <OmegaXcn> to Moderator says:: what
are your looks
and aspects on anime and how do you feel about it's enourmous
popularity in
the U.S
[02:27] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: um anime is such an interesting art form
[02:27] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: i think it's great
[02:27] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: that so many peopl have found inspiration
[02:27] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: through it
[02:27] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: by wanting to be animators, storytellers, voice
[02:27] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: i went to a seminar
[02:27] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: that featured several japanese animators
[02:27] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: about 10 years ago
[02:27] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: and they all said how surprised they were
[02:28] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: how well received anime was
[02:28] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: and i said "why not"?
[02:28] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: a lot of anime is very amazing
[02:28] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: GA
[02:28] Moderator says: Oh gosh...this one hits home...
[02:28] Moderator says: <SSJupiter81> to Moderator says::
What do you think,
in other words, what's your opinion, of older people liking
Pokemon? I know
a lot of people consider you "lame" or practically,
"uncool" if you're over
the age of 10 that likes it. Oh and Feliz B-day. ^_^
[02:29] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: thank you very much
[02:29] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: my birthday was muy feliz
[02:29] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: i don't know why people would
[02:29] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: consider anyone "uncool" for liking
[02:29] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: because there's something about it that makes
you happy
[02:30] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: i don't think pokemon is really strictly for
[02:30] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: adults have told me
[02:30] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: that they felt prejudiced against pokemon
[02:30] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: and resented it without having seen it
[02:30] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: but then
[02:30] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: they saw some of it
[02:30] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: and some of them were pleasantly surprised
[02:31] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: at how much they enjoyed it
[02:31] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: but it's up to you to choose
[02:31] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: what you're into
[02:31] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: GA
[02:31] Moderator says: Just a reminder. This is a
moderated chat with
voice actress Rachael Lillis brought to you by the Anime Colony
If you have a questions for Rachael address it to me
"Moderator" as a
private message.
[02:32] Moderator says: To RACHAEL-LILLIS > <Leon> to
Moderator says:: Did
you like how P2K turned out? I thought it was quite good,
surpassing the
first! How are Jessie and james going to feel after saving the
hungry? :
[02:32] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: lol
[02:32] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: rofl
[02:32] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: i have to tell you
[02:32] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: that i wasn't sure what to expect from the
[02:32] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: i saw it on wednesday
[02:32] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: and i couldn't believe how wonderful it was
[02:32] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: and i say that without bias
[02:32] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: a couple of times i was almost moved to tears
[02:32] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: and i'm glad you liked it too
[02:33] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: and jesse and james are always hungry
[02:33] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: they have that regiment of constant activity
[02:33] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: combined with very few incidences of eating
[02:33] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: GA
[02:33] Moderator says: <zeromoon> to Moderator says::
Moderator says:
<Zeromoon> to Moderator says:: What is your favorite
[02:33] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: ditto
[02:33] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: ditto's a sweetie-pie
[02:33] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: GA
[02:34] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: I'm such a girl!
[02:34] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: ^_^;
[02:34] Moderator says: <TrainerMel> to Moderator says::
How to you react to
some of the people who feel Pokemon is not really a good anime?
[02:34] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: not everyone has to like it
[02:34] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: i get both positive and negative comments from
[02:35] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: and so do the other people involved
[02:35] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: the only time i have a problem with it
[02:35] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: is if someone is
[02:35] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: really really harsh
[02:35] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: and not too nice about it
[02:35] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: you can comment on something without being
[02:35] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: GA
[02:36] Moderator says: <Bulbasur> to Moderator says:: How
do you feel about
the new theam song for the TV show?
[02:36] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: i like it
[02:36] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: some of the people who write the music
[02:36] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: talk to us about it
[02:36] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: and what they're planning for it
[02:36] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: and they're all good singers too
[02:36] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: so I got a little demo before it came out
[02:36] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: (I thought it sounded cool)
[02:36] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: GA
[02:37] Moderator says: <MeowthBG> to Moderator says:: Have
there ever been
voices you have did, for anime's that you didnt like much?
[02:37] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: mmmm...
[02:37] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: no i like them all
[02:37] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: some voices are physically hard to do though
[02:37] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: GA
[02:37] Moderator says: <Arashi> to Moderator says:: How
could you compare
the Japanese version of Utean to the English version?
[02:37] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: oh gosh
[02:38] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: sorry i haven't seen too much of the japanese
[02:38] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: i really like the original UTENA voice
[02:38] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: GA
[02:38] Moderator says: Pikachu023> to Moderator says:: do
you, Veronica
Taylor and Eric Stuart get along well together?
[02:38] Moderator says: Just a reminder. This is a
moderated chat with
voice actress Rachael Lillis brought to you by the Anime Colony
If you have a questions for Rachael address it to me
"Moderator" as a
private message.
[02:38] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: yes we get along
[02:38] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: very well together
[02:38] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: i occasionally run into them
[02:39] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: and we catch up on what's going on
[02:39] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: they're both incredibly busy though
[02:39] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: GA
[02:39] Moderator says: <JigglypuffMasta> to Moderator
says:: Rachael, can I
ask a question about the two Japanese episodes that haven't
aired? The
infamous Dratini and Porygon episodes? I'd just like to know if
they'll be
dubbed/aired, since "Beauty and the Beach" recently
was. And if they will be
dubbed, when will they air! Thanks, love you Rachael! ^_^
[02:39] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: thank you very much for being here! ^_^
[02:39] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: i don't know if those 2 episodes are going to
be dubbed
[02:39] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: i've heard
[02:39] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: that it's a possibility
[02:40] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: that one more lost episode will be done
[02:40] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: but i'm not sure which one
[02:40] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: GA
[02:40] Moderator says: <LIONHEARTX> to Moderator says:: in
voltage fighter
was it hard to get your character down or do you relate with most
of the
characters you play?
[02:40] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: that was my first job
[02:40] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: the director said to
[02:40] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: give the character a low rumbling voice
[02:40] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: and that can be a little hard to sustain
[02:41] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: i guess the character
[02:41] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: i most relate to is
[02:41] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: Yuriko Star
[02:41] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: GA
[02:41] Moderator says: Rachael, many people want to know what
the hardest
voice you've ever done is, and why? Whether in anime, or
[02:41] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: the hardest voice i've ever done
[02:41] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: is the voice that i'm doing now
[02:41] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: for a new project
[02:41] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: that i can't disclose yet
[02:42] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: and UTENA was also difficult
[02:42] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: GA
[02:42] Moderator says: <MiakaRocket> to Moderator says::
Do you know if
very much was changed other than the skipped episodes when
Pokemon was
translated from Japanese?
[02:42] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: adapting you always take
[02:42] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: some artisitic license
[02:42] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: it makes things flow
[02:42] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: in your mind
[02:43] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: when you're writing out a dubbed script
[02:43] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: to broadly interpret some things
[02:43] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: but for the most part they're pretty faithful
[02:43] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: GA
[02:43] Moderator says: Pikachu023> to Moderator says:: have
you actually
ever played pokemon red/blue/yellow/gold or silver?
[02:43] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: i've never played the video game
[02:44] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: i'm not good at video games ^_^;
[02:44] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: i think you have to practice quite alot
[02:44] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: GA
[02:44] Moderator says: <trflame> to Moderator says::
Rachael, Just
wondering what type of music you like? My 5 yr old niece got me
watching Pokemon and now I'm an anime lover! Do you watch Anime
you haven't
done work with?
[02:44] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: oh that's great that you enjoy it! <g>
[02:44] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: thank you!
[02:44] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: you know how when you get a new CD you listen
to it over and over
[02:45] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: i've got TORI AMOS' CHOIR GIRL HOTEL playing
all the time
[02:45] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: and um my favorite song is "Jackie's
[02:45] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: it's really good
[02:45] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: GA
[02:45] Moderator says: <zeromoon> to Moderator says::
Zeromoon>: Who do you
admire in the most in your business?
[02:46] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: i guess among voice actors
[02:46] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: june foray
[02:46] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: cree summer
[02:46] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: and as for the industry
[02:46] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: everybody i guess
[02:46] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: because it's a tough business and it's hard
[02:46] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: GA
[02:46] Moderator says: Several people have asked about your
voice credits
in non-anime animation...What other shows have you worked on?
[02:47] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: i did an animated short called
[02:47] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: and the voice of a hermit crab
[02:47] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: not sebastian
[02:47] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: i also am doing video game work
[02:47] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: a lot of fighting scenes you have to do
[02:47] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: for video game work
[02:47] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: so again i have to get Misty-sleep
[02:47] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: GA
[02:48] Moderator says: <MagnetonBG> to Moderator says:: Do
you know if you
are you going to do voices for any of the new Gold/Silver
[02:48] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: oh goodness
[02:48] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: i can't think of any of them right now
[02:48] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: but i'll mention it when it pops in my head
[02:48] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: GA
[02:49] Moderator says: <DJ> to Moderator says:: Have you
started dubbing
the Pokemon third movie yet?
[02:49] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: oooo...
[02:49] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: no we haven't
[02:49] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: we finished the second one in April or May
[02:49] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: so it's kind of early
[02:49] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: GA
[02:50] Moderator says: <LIONHEARTX> to Moderator says::
<lionheartx> as an
actor do you ever have a difference of opinion with your script
for your
[02:50] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: yes that does come up sometimes
[02:50] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: if a voice actor feels uncomfortable with a
[02:50] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: we are encouraged to mention it
[02:50] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: and then they'll work with us
[02:50] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: to re-word it
[02:50] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: that's once in a blue moon
[02:51] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: but great question
[02:51] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: GA
[02:51] Moderator says: Just a reminder. This is a
moderated chat with
voice actress Rachael Lillis brought to you by the Anime Colony
If you have a questions for Rachael address it to me
"Moderator" as a
private message.
[02:52] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: these are really good questions!
[02:53] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: GA
[02:53] Moderator says: Rachael, another oft asked question...
Misty's last name?
[02:53] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: lol
[02:53] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: there are so many theories
[02:53] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: i don't know
[02:53] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: there's no official last name for any of the
characters besides Ash
[02:53] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: GA
[02:54] Moderator says: pikacool> to Moderator says:: is it
easy to try and
go with the mouth movements of the japanese speech?
[02:54] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: it depends on how well the script is adapted
[02:54] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: with pokemon they tend to do it very closely
[02:54] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: with other shows you have to fill in dialogue
or subtract dialogue
[02:54] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: to make it all fit correctly
[02:54] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: one thing i do
[02:55] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: if a line has to be screamed or yelled
[02:55] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: i ask them to run the animation once
[02:55] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: so i can make sure it fits to the flap
[02:55] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: (lip flap)
[02:55] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: 'cause you can really blow out your voice
[02:55] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: GA
[02:55] Moderator says: <Anshi-chan> to Moderator says::
Who's your
favourite character in Utena, besides Utena and ChuChu, if they
are. ^_^;
And if you had the chance, who else would you like to voice? (In
[02:55] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: i love Miki
[02:55] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: he's very adorable
[02:56] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: and i don't who else i'd like to voice in Utena
[02:56] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: GA
[02:56] Moderator says: Several people wonder Rachael, if you
weren't a
voice actress, what career would interest you?
[02:56] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: some type of writing
[02:57] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: i do science writing now
[02:57] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: science journal writing for nature
[02:57] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: which can be dry
[02:57] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: but it keeps you in practice
[02:57] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: i write a lot of poetry
[02:57] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: and journal entries and stuff like that
[02:57] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: GA
[02:58] Moderator says: Rachael
[02:58] Moderator says: Bear with me for a moment
[02:58] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: OK! ^_^
[02:58] Moderator says: Several people have asked how you feel
about the way
that women as a gender are
[02:58] Moderator says: sometimes portrayed in anime?
[02:58] Moderator says: It isn't always a positive spin
[02:58] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: that's not an easy question to answer
[02:59] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: concisely
[02:59] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: ^_^;;;
[02:59] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: in this business i always wish women were
[02:59] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: treated with respect all around
[02:59] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: sometimes i feel there is misogyny in anime
[02:59] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: but then you have incredibly strong and
interesting female characters
[02:59] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: what's interesting about sci-fi
[02:59] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: and fantasy
[02:59] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: and anime
[03:00] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: is that a lot of lead characters tend to be
[03:00] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: LOL
[03:00] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: GA
[03:00] Moderator says: Just a reminder. This is a
moderated chat with
voice actress Rachael Lillis brought to you by the Anime Colony
If you have a questions for Rachael address it to me
"Moderator" as a
private message.
[03:00] Moderator says: <SSJupiter81> to Moderator says::
How do you feel
about censorship in America? Do you think there's too much
or too little of
it? I'm just thinking of the "Lost Episodes" and
how some episodes are
slightly different in the Canadian showing of it and other
places, which is
why I decided to ask this. ^_^
[03:01] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: I guess what is allowable in
[03:01] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: Japanese and European TV is different from US
[03:01] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: American TV does seem to have more restrictions
[03:01] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: and concerns for its younger audiences
[03:02] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: not having seen the original POKEMONs, I'm not
[03:02] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: how it has been censored
[03:02] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: other than the missing episodes
[03:02] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: GA
[03:02] Moderator says: Rachael, many, many people are
asking this...
[03:02] Moderator says: I imagine a lot of people participating
in the chat
tonight are interesting in pursuing voice acting as a career
themselves. What suggestions can you pass along that would
benefit them in
their efforts to possibly follow in your footsteps one day? ^_^
[03:02] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: I had the same question when I was a kid.
[03:02] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: I had no idea how to answer that question
[03:03] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: if you want to be a voice actor, i've learned
[03:03] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: that you really have to be an actor
[03:03] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: and lead the life of an actor
[03:03] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: get acting experience
[03:03] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: and experiment with character voices and
[03:03] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: most voice actors love music and animation
[03:03] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: and if you really want it strongly enough
[03:03] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: and persist
[03:04] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: you will eventually have success at whatever
you want to do
[03:04] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: GA
[03:04] Moderator says: <LIONHEARTX> to Moderator says:: in
animes like akira,ghost in the shell,perfect blue and
you think
this is a new era for anime?
[03:04] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: oh gosh
[03:04] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: new era for anime?
[03:04] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: anime has always been kinda' exploratory
[03:05] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: i don't think there are any rules
[03:05] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: this is a new era i guess in terms of
[03:05] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: the frequency with which anime is being
distributed now
[03:05] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: i think AKIRA was really ahead of its time
[03:05] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: GA
[03:05] Moderator says: <Lily> to Moderator says:: Rachael,
Can you relate
Personally to any of the characters you play or have played? Or
do any of
their habits grow on you after a long time?
[03:05] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: LOL
[03:06] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: Yuriko-star is the one I relate to
[03:06] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: she's kinda' uptight
[03:06] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: and she really wants to do the right thing
[03:06] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: but she falls on her face sometimes
[03:06] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: as far as habits...
[03:06] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: i yell more thanks to Misty
[03:06] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: that's all i can say.
[03:06] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: lol
[03:06] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: GA
[03:07] Moderator says: <lain> to Moderator says:: Rachael-
do you ever
bring in your own personality to your characters?
[03:07] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: Yuriko and Utena are kind of
[03:07] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: the ones that are really similar
[03:07] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: to the way I usually talk and behave
[03:08] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: Jesse's nothing like me
[03:08] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: and Martina (SLAYERS NEXT) is too scary
[03:08] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: too wacky
[03:08] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: but she taught me how to let go (Martina did)
[03:08] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: GA
[03:08] Moderator says: Rachael... Our hour has rushed by
incredibly fast.
And we had HUNDREDS of questions. I want to tell you what a
great guest
you've been!
[03:09] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: Thank you SO MUCH for having me
[03:09] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: Thank you everyone for coming
[03:09] Moderator says: And I'm sure that everyone here hopes
you'll come
back again.
[03:09] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: I can't tell you how touched I am that you all
[03:09] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: I would love to come back again
[03:09] Moderator says: Now it's time to open the floor again
[03:09] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: and I hope everyone has a great weekend
[03:09] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: and goodbye everyone!
[03:09] Moderator says: But before U do... To the Audience...You
were all
amazing! Thanks for being so patient!
[03:10] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: I love you all!
[03:10] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: You all ROCK!!
[03:10] RACHAEL-LILLIS says: Bye-bye!
Where do you want to go?
All names and materials are owned and © of their respective owners