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Team Rocket Products
Stuff you can buy, and where you can buy it
The Team Rocket Booster Pack (Cards)
Where from?: (go to 'Other Stuff')
These cards can only be purchased from places who go to the trouble to have them imported from Japan. 'Game Cave' supply them, for $12.99 (US).
If you're into collecting cards, you'll probably want to get your hands on these. And if you don't collect cards... well... you might want to get them for the funky package design!
Pokemon Christmas WallScroll
Where from?: (go to 'Wallscrolls', and find 'Pokemon #22').
This is a picture
that features Ash, Misty and Pikachu in a sleigh, and then to the
side there is a picture of Jesse, James and Meowth (looking
super-cute!). 'Pocket Monsters' is printed along the bottom right
of the picture. 'Game Cave's' price is $17.99 (US).
[The picture to the left is a closeup of the Team Rocket part of the wallscroll]
Team Rocket
Trainer Set
The poseable figurines of Jesse and James!
Where from?: Fandom Pokemon Store, click here
The price is only $6.40!!
Here's the description they've done: Jesse and James are ready to cause trouble in this new Pokemon: Trainer Set! The two human members of Team Rocket have been a thorn in the side of Ash since the beginning. Now you can add them to your collection of Pokemon toys. But be careful, if some of them are missing in the morning you know whom to blame!
The 'Rocket
Team' Soundtrack
Where from?: Game Cave has this on sale too, but you might be able to find it and/or order it from many other places.
Game Cave sells it for $19.99
I know absolutely nothing about this product, but I'm pretty sure it's great (its Team Rocket^_^!!!)
Here's some information on this CD and another one which is available, from James S:
There are two (at
least) CD's dedicated to Team Rocket, one is "Shiroi Ashita
da" (a white tomorrow/future) and the other is called
"Rockett-dan Yo Eien Ni". I can't be certain which it
is, but I am fairly certain it's "Shiroi Ashita da."
Here's a track listing for "Shiroi Ashita da" for you
01 Rockett-dan yo Eien ni
02 CD Audio Drama (Shiroi Ashita da!
Rockett-dan) Part 1
03 CD Audio Drama Part 2
04 CD Audio Drama Part 3
05 Lucky Lucky
06 Pokémon Master e no Michi
07 Umi
It's all in the Japanese. The CD Drama lasts for 12/13 mins x3
which is almost the length of two episodes of the anime. It
features Jesse, James, Meowth, and wait for it, Mondo!!!! The
plot is basically this...
Mondo fawns all over Jesse and James calling them his masters,
and he's revealed to be the messenger who brings them all the
gadgetry they use to try and catch Pikcahu. He's got a Ditto
which Jesse trades Meowth for. Meowth is hurt, but makes the most
of it and bosses Mondo around, who's only too happy to please,
whilst Jesse and James have trouble controlling Ditto's
transformations. (He tends to change to anything they say that
even vaguely resembles a Pokémon name, for example Jesse says
Hito at one point (Jap word for person) and Ditto changes into a
Hitodeman.) Whilst Jesse and James are having trouble, they end
up trapped by Beedrill's again, (a la that Samaurai episode early
in Indigo) and Weezing and Arbok have no luck, but then Meowth
returns, fights off the Beedrill's and everyone's reunited, and
Mondo gives them a hot air balloon and directions to a forest
full of Pikachu... but the balloon is burst by a pigeon fairly
A funny point near the beginning - Jesse challenges Mondo to a battle - Arbok vs. Ditto. Jesse gets the battle by asking him to "play with her", and Mondo thinks she's referring to something sexual...
The drama fits in just before the episode where Ash tries to leave Pikachu with all the others (the forest full of Pikachu that Mondo's referring to), which was the first new episode to be shown for ages following the Japanese seizure problems. 'Lucky Lucky' is on the CD!! It's a song sang by James which basically puns all the Japanese Pokémon names.
This was the
second TR CD, released at the end of 1998
And the track listing for Rokett-dan Yo Eien Ni...
01 Rockett-dan yo Eien ni
02 Lucky Lucky
03 Nyasu no Uta
04 Rockett-dan yo Eien ni - Original Karaoke
05 Nyasu no Uta - Original Karaoke
This was the first CD produced, back at the end of 1997 I think. It contained an iron on tranfer of the R logo as well... Well there you go. I'm fairly certain it's Shiroi Ashita da... (looking at the kanji on the pic on your site)... but hey, both sound pretty cool, no?
Thanks James!
Team Rocket 'Photo' T-Shirt
Where from?: has this shirt on sale, for the price of $14.95 (US dollars).
They only have this shirt in Youth Size XL though, so best to check size guides before you buy (I believe that site has a size guides page). It's black, with a picture of Jess, James and Meowth screened on the front, with a faded picture of them behind, with 'Team Rocket' logo along the top. The 'Pokemon' logo is underneath the pictures.
Team Rocket T-Shirt
Where from?: has this shirt on sale, for the price of $14.95 (US dollars).
This shirt is also only available in size Youth XL. This is an ash grey coloured shirt, with a simple design of an 'R' with Jesse and James either side. Jesse's hair overlaps the side of the circle (which has a star at the bottom). It reads 'Team Rocket' along the top, and has the Pokemon logo underneath the image. The sleeve also has an 'R' design.
Pokémon Wrist Watch
Where from?: I found this for sale in my local newsagent, for the amazing price of Ł2.99!
It appears to be a Japanese import as the
writing on it is in Japanese. It is just a
basic watch with a rubbery strap (there is a choice of colour of
the strap: blue, green or red (I chose red)). With the watch, you
get seven clip on characters so you can your watch every day! The
characters are: Ash, Pikachu, Charmander, Squirtle, Chansey, and
of course Jesse and James.
The digital watch also has a calendar feature.
Know about any merchandise?
If you've bought something, or have seen anything on sale, why not email Salon Roquet with the information? We can feature it here!
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'Salon Roquet' doesn't own Pokemon or any of its characteristics or anything like that. We are not associated with any of the organisations or web sites mentioned here, and as such 'Salon Roquet' cannot be held responsible for any transactions made. This page is meant solely to inform fans/collectors of Team Rocket/Pokemon about items they may be able to purchase elsewhere. 'Salon Roquet' and those associated with it are not making money off of this; its just a point of interest we believe people may be like to be aware of.