The Library
Fan Contribution
The Rocket Rebellion
By: Crystal
Part 1
Disclaimer: If I were the owner of all these characters, would I be spending my days in the lousy town I live in, or Hollywood? LOL. Hah. Well, Ireesha is my character, anyways.
Rating: Um...I cussing or anything we don't want to think about, but some violence.
Summary: Jessie and James are captured by the infamous Rocket Rebellion and must rely on the help of a strange young woman to escape. Right now it looks like there will be quite a few little bits and pieces to the or none.
Here We GOOOO! ^_^
watched the middle-aged man circle their trio.
The Rocket Rebellion.
The small group of Rockets who had banded together to go up
against the Boss now chuckled and cockily aimed their handguns at
Meowth, who was too afraid to move from his kneeling position in
front of Jessie and James.
"We'll use the cat as an example, to show that we mean
business," their leader, Kip, snarled. He pointed the gun at
Jessie threw herself unwillingly into James's arms as she heard
the gunshot.
"I can't look. Don't make me look," she whispered.
The Rocket Rebellion took Jessie and James as their hostages and
threw them in cages somewhere in a back room of their underground
headquarters. They were promised to be used as "guinea
pigs" for the experiments and literal death sentences of the
Rocket Rebellion. The men stayed and tortured them for a short
while, but soon they were left alone.
Or so they thought.
Speechlessly, Jessie glanced at her partner. Pure terror burned
as emerald flames in his eyes. A steady river of tears spilled
down his face.
Jessie crawled to him and stiffly pulled him close to her,
stroking his hair and whispering to him. "Shhh...don't
cry...don't cry..." Jessie secretly hoped that her feelings
for him weren't this act of kindness.
James shakily stammered, "I can't"
Jessie was about to attempt more comfort when she noticed that
they were not the only ones in the back room cells. She looked up
and noticed a woman of about twenty years old in a cell across
from the one she and James now shared.
"Who's there?" the woman asked. Jessie jumped at her
voice. It was deep and raspy, strange, especially for a woman.
Her skin was dark; it seemed almost Italian. Her long hair hung
lank and jet black. Her eyes were clouded, icy blue, and
obvioulsly blind. But what really got Jessie's attention were the
two unmistakable ears of a Vulpix protruding from her head.
"W-We're hostages. Me, I'm Jessie. And my partner,
"Did my father send you here?"
"I don't know your father."
"You are in Team Rocket and do not know my father? You are a
strange person, Jessie. I thought all members of the Rocket Gang
new him. Er, Team Rocket, that is."
Jessie exchanged glances with James. "What's your
name?" she asked.
"Ireesha what?" James asked supiscously.
Jessie gulped. "So..." James continued, "Your
father is the Boss?"
Ireesha simply nodded and hung her head. "Poor, demented
man. I love my father dearly, but he's been so different...he
won't even get me out of this cruel prison. I've been here for
seven years, and now I have not human ears, but Vulpix ears. I
haven't had my sight for five years. I'm sure my father doesn't
even miss me."
Jessie noticed a beautiful necklace on Ireesha's neck. The chain
was silver, and a ruby "R" hung from the center, and
emblem of the Team they didn't understand but were forced to
commit to.
"This necklace," Ireesha said, "was a gift for my
thirteenth birthday. The day before I was brought here. My father
told me that if I ever needed anything, or if I was ever in
trouble, to just use this necklace. I don't understand...I'm
still here."
"Will we ever get out of here alive?" James whined
"Alive?" Ireesha repeated. "I doubt it."
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