The Library
Fan Contribution
Jim's TR Adventure
I'm 10 years old
today. I am Jim, Jim Firebird. I want to get a Pokemon today, and
hopefully a Charmander! I guess the last name tells you that I
like Fire Pokemon. I arose from my bed with a jump, and crashed
out the window. I had laid my clothes out last night, so it was
incredibly easy to get out fully dressed.
I headed at a brisk pace for Oak's Lab,
not aware that it was 5 am. I banged on the door, and a sleepy
Prof. Oak opened it.
"Jim! What are you doing at 5
am?" Prof. Oak said, with a surprised look on his face.
" I've come to get my Pokemon! I
would prefer a Charmander please, but any one will do."
"Ok, here is the PokeBall
containing Charmander. Go and make Pallet proud!"
" We'll see if I do, won't
we?" I mumbled.
Getting to Viridian City was a piece of
cake at this time of night. No guards were around since it was
mostly dark. I found the Pokemon Center after a little bit of
searching, but it was easy to find. I healed my Pokemon, and
trotted off to Viridian Forest.
When I got out, I had a Charmeleon,
Nidorino, and a Beedrill. I was almost to Pewter City. I found
out at the PokeCenter that I was the first trainer from Pallet to
get there, no other trainers had arrived yet. It was suprising,
since one trainer already had a bike. Heading to Pewter's Gym, I
tripped an invisible laser beam that immediately shut the door
behind me when I entered the Gym.
I had to battle Brock, and he had a
Geodude and an Onix. They weren't easy, but Nidorino and
Charmeleon took care of them eventually. Brock gave me the
Boulder Badge, and he also gave me a parting gift that only the
first trainer would get: a map showing a shortcut through Mt.
"Thanks!" I said, bubbling
with excitement. Now I would be the first trainer for now on!
"You are welcome. You have great
potential. Do not abuse it by joining Team Rocket." Brock
steadily replied.
"What is Team Rocket?" I
asked, intrigued.
"Team Rocket is a group dedicated
to evil using Pokemon. They rob Pokemon Centers and are easy to
deal with. Just be careful not to get in their way."
Came the reply.
"If they are easy to deal with, why
do they rob PokeCenters? Can't the police just arrest them?"
"They are tricky. They set off
smoke bombs to cover their exits and entrances, which makes them
hard to capture. They would have a use for your Charmeleon, so
don't let it fall in their hands!"
I walked out the door, heading for
Cerulean City, and the next Badge. Suprisingly, I found myself
wondering about Team Rocket. My parents had a photograph that
showed them and their Chansey with a man hidden in the shadows.
Whenever somebody came to our house, Dad would hide the picture
behind the picture of a Dratini. Were they members of Team
Rocket? Something clicked in my brain that moment. I realized
that they were! That explains why they went to Cerulean on
Saturdays, and why I had to wait outside on the playground when
they went into the store. I now felt that it was my moral
obligation to join Team Rocket.
But, the problem was, Team Rocket
members don't come up to you and say, "Would you like to
join Team Rocket?" That's when he rode up on that motorbike.
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