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Pokémon Episode Guide (US/Western Listing)
Episodes 81 - 100
Episodes 1
- 20 ¤ Episodes 21 - 40 ¤ Episodes 41 - 60 ¤ Episodes 61 - 80 ¤ Episodes 81 - 100
Please note: The summaries are only brief, and so not every occurence in the show can be accounted for. The summaries are correct as far as I'm aware, but if you spot any discrepancies, please let RocketChick know so the error can be rectified immediately. Thank you!
No. |
Title |
Brief Episode Summary |
Team Rocket Screenshot |
101. | Git Along Little Pokémon!! | Whilst trekking across the outback, Ash comes across an electricity merchant, who farms Magnemite, using his Jolteon as the sheepdog. These he sells to the remote towns nearby, which do not have a mains supply. Team Rocket try to steal the magnetite, using a giant magnet, which goes quite well. Pikachu and the Jolteon use Thunder Wave and manage to counteract the magnet but tire themselves out totally. The rancher gets injured in the assault. Suddenly a Nurse Joy calls and requests immediate help, since they have almost run out of power and their Pokémon center is holding sick Pokémon. Ash volunteers to do the ride with the farmers Tauros, and he gets there just in time. The rancher then gives them all a lift to the town they're looking for in gratitude. | [pending] |
102. | Mystery Menace | Ash et al arrive at a town which is about to have an election. The Mayor currently in office is desperate to hide a secret about the city's sewer system - which holds some sort of monster. Whilst in the sewers, Bulbasaur is abducted by something with long green Tentacles, (Not in the Urotsukidoji sense though, thank god), and Ash tries to get the mayor to help save it. The Mayor has other ideas though - and in an effort to repress the secret forever, he blocks up the sewers and sends a SWAT team down there to finish off the monster. Misty, trapped in the sewers with the others and Team Rocket, is also abducted by the tentacled monster... and Ash follows to discover that it's nothing but a slightly enlarged Bulbasaur. It turns out this Bulbasaur has a tag similar to the Mayor's logo - they put two and two together and realise it was abandoned by the mayor when it was little. | [pending] |
103. | Misty Meets her Match!! | Ash arrives at Trovita Island, and find a girl drowning by the pier. Misty saves her, and it turns out she is the sister of the Gym Leader there - Jiggy - who falls madly in love with Misty. Ash challenges him to a gym match, which Jiggy says he'll accept if Ash can shoot down an obstacle course with his Pokémon. Team Rocket appear during this, behind a target, and manage to get themselves blasted off again for their trouble. After, Jiggy shows them around, and also shows them his special way of raising Pokémon - through dance!! He asks Misty to spend the night, and then asks her to live with him forever, and to tell him her answer after tomorrow's battle with Ash. The battle is tough, with Jiggy's Starmie using Thundershock via a dance on Ash's Squirtle. Squirtle Withdraws, and learns a new technique - Hydro Pump - which it unleashes against the Starmie. Ash is victorious, and wins a third badge, and Misty turns down Jiggy's generous offer. | [pending] |
104. | Bound For Trouble | Team Rocket come up with a new plan to capture Pikachu, by tricking Ash and co into falling into a pit, and handcuffing Pikachu to Meowth. They bait the road with a basket of fruit, but Misty figures it would be a trap, and Ash gets an apple from a nearby tree.... and falls into the pit underneath it. (Pretty clever trap for TR!!) They have electro-resistant gloves on, and manage to link Pikachu and Meowth, and begin to leave, but unfortunately, things go a bit wrong when a Pidgeot grabs the manacles from TR. It lifts the two Pokémon up, up, and away into the air, but they escape when Pikachu Thunderbolts it. Tracey uses Marril to find TR, and TR tells them that Pikachu and Meowth were stolen by the Pidgeot. Meowth and Pikachu are having a discussion, when a Rhydon appears. They escape, but only just. Ash and the others are at the Pidgeot nest, but no Pikachu. Pikachu finds an apple for them to eat, and splits it with Meowth grudgingly. Meowth tells Pikachu the two of them would have been friends under different circumstances, and asks it to join TR, but Pikachu is asleep and doesn't answer. Meowth sighs, and goes to sleep himself. The next day, Team Rocket, Ash et al find Meowth and Pikachu, and the Pidgeot, which TR defeats (!!). The two Pokémon are then separated, and TR are blasted off again. | [pending] |
105. | Charizard Chills | Ash faces off against a trainer called Tad, with a very powerful Poliwrath. Pikachu is very easily defeated, and so is Charizard, with an Ice Beam attack. Tad leaves Charizard frozen and tells Ash to train it better, and when he has, he'll give him a rematch. During the night, Ash attempts to thaw out his Charizard, who remembers all their time together as a Charmander. Charizard manages to just pull through, and when he awakes, he finally submits to Ash, and agrees to obey. TR try to steal Pikachu again, but it is saved by Charizard. They find Tad again, and this time Charizard takes the Poliwrath out, finishing it with an Aerial Submission. | [pending] |
These episodes are yet to air out of Japan - more detailed descriptions will be made when they do... | ||||||
106. | Pokémon Water War | Squirtle becomes jealous when Ash finds a group of Wartortle who are trained by a police officer to help put out fires, and wants to spend some time training with them. It pits itself against them all, and doesn't do too badly in a race and a shooting gallery style escapade with Watergun, but TR steal it along with all the Wartortle. Tracey uses Venonat to find them all, and the Wartortle charge up a huge Water Gun to use against TR. But then disaster!! A child is trapped in a burning building, and it is up to the head of the Wartortle and Squirtle to attempt a rescue. Can they pull it off??US Air Date - August 26th. UK Air Date - ??? | [pending] | |||
107. | Pokémon Food Fight | When Ash faces a grass Pokémon trainer, he accidentally brings out Snorlax instead of Charizard, and damages the Pokéball in the process. Snorlax can't be returned, and to make matters worse, goes to sleep. Ash tries to coerce it to the nearest Pokémon center to get a new Pokéball, but it refuses. (Ash even dressed up as an apple - what willpower this Snorlax has... o_O;;;) So Ash goes on ahead, and TR show up to steal Pikachu. Things are looking typically grim... until Snorlax appears, and demonstrating his latest attack upon OUR hapless heroes, TR are hyperbeamed off once again. US Air Date - August 19th. UK Air Date - ??? | [pending] |
108. | "Tag Match!! The Last Gym!!" | On arriving at Ryuchin Island, Ash is hugged by the gym leader there, Ruriko, who mistook him for her son who left a while ago to become a Pokémon trainer, also with a Pikachu. They stay with her that night, and duel the next day. She suggests a tag match, and Ash chooses Pikachu and Charizard, against her Alakazam and Marowak. Charizard and Pikachu can't hit it off, and things go badly for them. Charizard, now in a tight corner, is finally assisted by Pikachu, and the two of them get it together, and take it to Ruriko's Pokémon. Ash claims victory, and the fourth and final Gym badge is his.US Air Date - September 3rd. UK Air Date - ??? | [pending] |
109. | "Magikarp!! Its secret story!!" | This episode shows how Magikarp flock like Salmon to go upstream and evolve, as far as I know. | [pending] | |||
110. | "Misty Gets a Poliwag!!" | Misty finally gets a new Pokémon... Can you guess what it is yet?? | [pending] |
111. | "Winners Cup!! 6 vs. 6!!" | Ash finally competes in the Orange League... Usual tournament fare, and the episode ends with Ash vs. Yuuji. Ash's Lapras and Yuuji's Gengar both fire beam attacks, resulting in a big explosion which KO's them both leaving the episode to be continued. | [pending] |
112. | "The Final Battle!! Dragonite Appears!!" | The final battle continues with Ash's Tauros against Venusaur... Venusaur is defeated, but Tauros is tired, and next is Ash's Bulbasaur vs. Electabuzz. The match continues, until Yuuji's final Pokémon is released - Dragonite, and Ash uses Charizard against it. Charizard looses however, and it's down to Pikachu, who dodges a Hyperbeam and uses Thunder. Ash is victorious, and gets the Winners Cup. | [pending] |
113. | "Bye Bye Lapras!!" | Ash releases Lapras back to its family, on the journey back to Pallet. | [pending] |
114. | "Electrode's Tremendous Blast!!" | [pending] | [pending] |
115. | "Return to Pallet!!" | Ash returns to Pallet Town... where Brock is waiting to rejoin his group!! Tracey chooses to stay behind with Prof Oak. And who else is there looking for a battle?? | [pending] |
116. | "Ash vs. Gary!! The Rivals Battle!!" | The masked stranger turns out to be Gary!! Ash uses Pikachu to take on Gary's Eevee, but after a close fight, loses. YAY GARY!! | [pending] |
Episodes beyond this point take the new series name of "Pokémon G/S". | ||||||
117. | "Wakaba Town, Where the Wind Blows" | Having inspected the GS ball, Ash, Brock and Misty are sent off to find another Professor to the West, who wants to look at it. Their first stop is Wakaba Town. Team Rocket get beaten up by a Cyndaquil. | [pending] |
118. | "Rookie's Chikorita" | Ash has a battle against a girl named Rookie who owns a Chikorita, (the starter grass Pokémon from Gold/Silver). Pikachu loses to it as far as I know, but she gives the Chikorita to him anyway. | [pending] |
119. | "Battle!! Heracross vs. Pinsir" | Ash captures a Heracross in this episode. Team Rocket uses a Pinsir style robot for its attack this time. | [pending] |
120. | "Donphan Valley" | Ash comes across a valley full of the tyre/elephant like Donphan's and Brock falls in love with their keeper. | [pending] |
More G/S episodes coming soon!!
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